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Why Livescan is the Best Choice for a Thorough Background Check

by | Mar 18, 2019 | Fingerprinting

Looking back over the years since the fingerprinting technology became available, it has been used as a method by law enforcement and security agencies to build a massive identification record database.

Before modern technological advances, agencies followed the traditional method of collecting fingerprints. In fact, this practice is still prevalent in some countries.

This method involved the use of ink and paper. Those being fingerprinted would have to douse their fingers or thumbs on the ink pad and then stamp their print on paper. The law enforcement agency or security firm would then scan the print when trying to match them at a later time. While this method is effective and easy, it is now becoming obsolete.

The world has become a digital landscape. We are now living in an era where almost everything is connected by digital means in one way or another. Each year, different aspects of our life transition into more connectivity and digitization as technology becomes more advanced.

Communication and transfer of information are two of the main aspects that have completely changed in the past few decades. The traditional methods of communication, which includes letters and physical files, are used only out of necessity. With wireless mobile devices and easy networking, staying connected is much easier and efficient now than it ever was.

The aspect of identity authentication is another area that has been impacted by digitization. Previously, the most common identity authentication system depended on the use of ID cards and documents. Even though these methods have their limitations, they are still used. But digitization and further research into biometrics have changed the landscape of identity authentication.

Livescan fingerprinting is the name of the technology that allows electronic fingerprinting. Without the need for ink and paper, law enforcement agencies and private security firms scan fingerprints with a specialized biometric scanner. The scanned fingerprints are then saved electronically to a database where they can be accessed for running background checks registering criminals, and other identification needs.

In the past few years, Livescan fingerprinting has made its way into mainstream use for various reasons. Its practicality, efficiency of use, and wide applicability make Livescan fingerprinting a popular technology for running background checks.

Here are some reasons why Livescan fingerprinting is popular:


Fingerprints are one of the very few aspects of human bodies that don’t change as they grow older. If a person’s fingerprints are scanned and recorded once in any database, they can found easily at any point in their later lives. This comes in handy for running background checks on a person who might have had a criminal record a long time ago. If their prints were added to a law enforcement database 20 years ago, they can be found and matched easily with Livescan fingerprinting.


Livescan printing takes only 72 hours to be verified by the proper authorities and returned to the source of the information. This timeline is much faster than other identity authentication methods, which can take up to weeks to get back.



Old school identity authentication methods required security personnel to check identity cards and documentation manually and then create a report to run a background check. But Livescan fingerprinting reduces the amount of work a person has to put in. With a fingerprint scanner, the person’s prints can be automatically and digitally scanned and matched on the database using a specially-designed software.


With the traditional ink and paper identity authentication method, there was a high chance of human error. The ink might bleed, the print might not transfer properly, the print might fade, the person scanning the paper might not do it right, etc. But Livescan fingerprinting allows the fingerprint to be scanned directly from the source and then automatically added to the database. Since there is limited human intervention with Livescan fingerprinting, the likelihood of someone making a human error is consequently low as well.


Using Livescan fingerprinting is incredibly easy. Anyone with basic computer knowledge can learn how to operate the scanner correctly and then use the software to run the background check. Though fingerprinters must be trained and certified in the Livescan fingerprinting process it is easy to use making it applicable across a wide range of industries that could require a background check for security reasons.


Livescan fingerprinting is a digitized technology, which means that everything is conducted on some sort of device. For fingerprinting, the device is usually a scanner that is connected to a computer operated by a human. The device itself is small enough that it can be stored in a drawer. Besides that, Livescan fingerprinting, on the whole, works with digital databases when it comes to running background checks. This also eliminates the need for large storage spaces and lockers for thousands of physical copies of files.

With all that said, this is only a scratch at the surface of what represents the benefits of using Livescan fingerprinting in Maryland. There are many other advantages of using the technology and procedure while conducting a background check.


Absolute Investigative, Fingerprinting and Security Services offers Livescan fingerprinting services in Baltimore, Carrol County, Harford County, and Worcester County  They are authorized and certified by the State of Maryland to provide these services, running background checks and ensuring security for your company.


There are four convenient Absolute Investigative, Fingerprinting, and Security Services locations in Maryland.  Contact us for all your investigative, security and fingerprinting needs.  Fingerprinting clients do not require an appointment - walk-ins are welcome.