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3 Ways Private Investigator Companies Can Help With Employee Embezzlement

Workplace fraud is not something that any company wants to think is possible with their employees. Unfortunately, with the rise of technology, more complex and diverse tools are available for those who might be tempted to engage in fraudulent behavior, such as embezzlement. Private investigator companies can help businesses identify and address such activity to reduce its effects on the integrity of the business.
1. Forensic Investigations
When employee embezzlement is suspected, private investigative companies can perform forensic testing on the company’s computer system as well as its finances. Gathering computer evidence, such as hacking activity, email history and metadata that pinpoints file creation dates, helps a company build a case discreetly. Financial irregularities uncovered by forensic accounting can lead to evidence that is admissible in court.
2. Skilled Surveillance
Surveillance is a tool long associated with private investigator companies. An important component in gathering evidence that supports suspicions of embezzlement, surveillance often uses tools such as video as well as direct observation of the individual(s) in question. In complex cases, a member of the private investigative company could pose as an employee in an effort to gather critical insider information about the fraudulent activities. Using a highly-trained private investigator reduces the risks associated with this type of operation while increasing the odds of success.
3. Electronic Recording Device Detection
An employee engaged in embezzling funds from a company’s coffers may have hidden electronic recording devices in key offices in an effort to obtain sensitive information. Similarly, such devices can also be installed as programs on a company’s computers without their knowledge. Private investigation companies can detect all types of electronic recording devices that could be used in an office. Even the more sophisticated technology that is often found on computer programs can be successfully tracked and disabled by a well-trained private investigator.
Private investigative companies provide invaluable services for companies that suspect embezzlement. These professionals utilize techniques that gather evidence that can be used in court to recoup the losses of the business and bring the criminal to justice.
There are four convenient Absolute Investigative, Fingerprinting, and Security Services locations in Maryland. Contact us for all your investigative, security and fingerprinting needs. Fingerprinting clients do not require an appointment - walk-ins are welcome.