TOWSON | 410.828.6460
BEL AIR | 410.420.6923
BERLIN | 410.973.2482
ESSEX | 410.687.1407
WESTMINSTER | 410.857.6460


A.I.S does it all 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!


A.I.S does it all 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Absolute Investigative, Fingerprinting, and Security Services (AIS) provides services throughout Maryland. A.I.S. has been serving Maryland’s Investigative and Security needs since 1988. Our management team has 100+ years of experience in the Security and Investigative Field.
Please note: Our office in Westminster will close early at 4 pm on Friday, March 21st. All of our other offices Bel Air, Essex, Towson, and Berlin will follow normal hours.


For Fingerprinting or HQL related questions, please call our offices for prompt service or to schedule a fingerprinting appointment.



Please call our offices with any fingerprinting or HQL related questions. 

Our Locations